Consulting and Mentoring for Meditation Teachers

Meditation Solutions offers consulting and mentoring, not just for meditation teachers in the early stages of their career, but also for experienced meditation teachers wanting support with teaching issues or program development. Many meditation teachers work alone, holding space and guiding others. Returning to the role of student or finding peer support can be a deeply nourishing experience. Teachers who have a support network find it much easier to keep their offerings fresh and inspired. 

How can a mentor help my meditation teaching practice?

As a consultant, Paul will be guided by your needs and will work with you on any level, whether you are struggling on a personal level with the journey or with technical questions that you might have around language, posture, or the delivery and structure of your courses and workshops.

Here are some of the commonly asked questions that Paul has come across in his years of teaching that have led him to offer mentoring and consulting:

  • “How can I build my classes?”
  • “I feel nervous about starting a new course – can you help me with some strategies?”
  • “I want to teach corporate classes – can you advise me on the best way to start?”
  • “How much should I be charging?”
  • “How can I remain passionate about being a meditation teacher?”
  • “Sometimes I feel that my teaching is repetitive – should I change things up or should I keep doing what I am doing?”
  • “Can you give me some feedback on my guided meditation scripts?”

As a meditation teacher, finding peer-to-peer support, encouragement and feedback is often difficult, yet it is vital in enabling you to keep your practice inspired and grounded.